Geldscheine auf Untergrund Deezer

Artist Centric Payment – The Future of Streaming Platform Billing?

The first tests of the new payment model are underway. What does that mean for you?
, Initiative Musik

The funding for your next project is waiting in the wings – with Initiative Musik

All information on the next funding round and your opportunities
Celina Bostic AtoM

Our Artist of the Month in September 2023: Celina Bostic

German pop with an empowering effect

Our Passenger of the Month in July 2023: BABYJOY

BABYJOY- Harmonious tightrope walk between rap and vocals
, Apple Music for artists

Apple Music for Artists – all info and features at a glance

News from Apple Music - always up to date

Our Passenger of the Month in June 2023: YASSIN

From the underground to Germany's largest Y
, VILLFORTH Passenger of the Month

Our passenger of the month for May 2023: VILLFORTH

Pop between deep sea divers and blue skies on Venice Beach
, Batomae

Our Passenger of the Month in April 2023: Batomae

Pop with a lot of heart: Batomae
, Martin Herzberg

Our passenger of the Month in March 2023: Martin Herzberg

Piano music for dreaming and drifting
Tokyo Tea Room

Our passenger of the month in February 2023: Tokyo Tea Room

Dream pop from Great Britain
Paul Wetz

Our Passenger of the Month in January 2023: Paul Wetz

Pop and Techno: Paul Wetz
Lou Asril

Our Passenger of the Month in December 2022: Lou Asril

A mixture of mystery, security and sensitive power: Lou Asril