Dagobert on a tree trunkRegina Olev

Passenger of the Month in March 2021: Dagobert

On board with his new album "Jäger"
Mavi Phoenix

Passenger of the Month in April 2020: Mavi Phoenix

recordJet Passenger of the Month: Mavi Phoenix
JPD | recordJet Passenger of the MonthSensche

Passenger of the Month in March 2020: JPD

recordJet Passenger of the Month: JPD
Alex Mayr | recordJetJ. Poepperling

Passenger of the Month in February 2020: Alex Mayr

Shelter Boy | recordJet Passenger of the Month

Passenger of the Month in January 2020: Shelter Boy

recordJet Passenger of the Month January 2020: Shelter Boy
Nina Chuba | recordJet Passenger of the MonthFlorence Bakic

Passenger of the Month in December 2019: Nina Chuba

recordJet Passenger of the Month: Nina Chuba

Captain’s advice: Verify your Shazam artist profile

Youre indirect source as a musican- Shazam (Update Oktober 2022)
grim104 | recordJet

Passenger of the Month in November 2019: grim104

grim104 - new album "Das Grauen, Das Grauen" out now!
So kommt deine Musik in die Spotify Playlisten | recordJet

Cast your music into the limelight of the Spotify playlists

Spotify playlists: How to get Spotify and the playlist curators to notice your music.
Brenk Sinatra | recordJetDaniel Shaked

Passenger of the Month in October 2019: Brenk Sinatra

recordjet Passenger of the Month: Brenk Sinatra
Mia Morgan | recordJet Passenger of the Month im September

Passenger of the Month in September 2019: Mia Morgan

recordJet Passenger of the Month: Mia Morgan
Graham Candy Sarah Muldoon | recordJet

Passenger of the Month in August 2019: Graham Candy & Sarah Muldoon

recordJet Passenger of the Month: Graham Candy & Sarah Muldoon